Задание 1

Выполните упражнения на отработку употребления косвенной речи в утвердительных предложениях:

Упражнение 1. Переделайте упражнения, используя косвенную речь (не забывайте про THAT)
1) The commentator says: "It's a new record".
2) "He is rather boring", she says.
3) "I am busy", his father says.
4) She says: "I am happy".
5) He says: "I don't agree with you".

Упражнение 2.   Переделайте упражнения, используя косвенную речь (начинайте каждое предложение со слов, данных в скобках).
"I am going to the picnic with my boy-friend." (she says) She says she's going to the picnic with her boy-friend.

1) "We are going to do some interesting projects". (they say)
2) "I'll be ready in a few minutes". (Mandy says)
3) "My friend has not finished her home work yet". (Robert tells me.)
4) "I have written letters to several of my cousins". (She tells me)
5) "We have seen this film". (Sarah and Juliet say)